Chemical peel Benefits: Best Chemical peels Near Me (Los Angeles)

A chemical peel is a cosmetic treatment that involves the use of chemical exfoliants to improve the appearance of the skin. During a chemical peel, a chemical solution is applied to the skin, which causes increased cell turnover, revealing smoother, brighter, and younger-looking skin.

Chemical peels can be used to treat a variety of skin concerns, including fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone and texture, acne, acne scars, sun damage, and age spots. There are different types of chemical peels available, ranging from superficial peels that only affect the top layer of skin to deeper peels that penetrate deeper into the skin.

Common ingredients used in chemical peels include alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) such as glycolic acid and lactic acid, beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) such as salicylic acid, and trichloroacetic acid (TCA), retinoic acid and hydroquinone. The type of chemical peel recommended will depend on the individual's skin type and concerns, as well as the desired level of exfoliation and downtime.

It's important to note that chemical peels should only be performed by a trained licensed medical professional, as improper use or application of chemical solutions can cause skin damage and other complications. Patients should also follow post-treatment care instructions carefully, such as avoiding sun exposure and using gentle skincare products to protect and nourish the skin.

At Boutik Dermatology, we offer peels that target hyperpigmentation, dark spots, acne, scarring, sun spots, melasma, acne scarring, keratosis pilaris (strawberry legs):

The VIPEEL formula includes a combination of several acids, including trichloroacetic acid (TCA), salicylic acid, retinoic acid, and phenol.

ViPeel Precision Plus

ViPeel Purify with Precision Plus

ViPeel Body

ViPeel Original


Salicylic acid peel is a cosmetic treatment that uses salicylic acid to exfoliate the skin. Salicylic acid is a type of beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) that is known for its ability to penetrate deep into the pores and remove excess oil, dead skin cells, and other impurities. This makes it a popular choice for treating acne, blackheads, and other skin blemishes.

During a salicylic acid peel, a solution containing salicylic acid is applied to the skin and left on for a few minutes. The solution is then neutralized and removed, revealing smoother, brighter, and more even-toned skin.

Salicylic acid peels can be done at varying strengths, depending on the individual's skin type and concerns. A mild peel may cause minimal peeling and redness, while a stronger peel can lead to more significant peeling and downtime.


Cosmelan is a medical grade chemical peel that is designed to reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation and dark spots on the skin. It is a two-part treatment that includes an in-office mask application and an at-home maintenance cream.

The Cosmelan mask contains a combination of active ingredients such as azelaic acid, kojic acid, phytic acid, and arbutin, which work together to inhibit the production of melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color. The mask is left on the skin for 8-10 hours, depending on the individual's skin type and the severity of the hyperpigmentation.

After the mask is removed, the individual is given a maintenance cream to apply at home. This cream contains ingredients that help to brighten and even out the skin tone, while also providing hydration and protection. The peel and home maintenance cream often results in heavy peeling for a minimum of one week.

Cosmelan is considered a safe and effective treatment for hyperpigmentation, but it is important to consult with a qualified dermatologist or skincare professional to determine if it is appropriate for your individual skin type and concerns. It is also important to follow the recommended aftercare instructions to achieve optimal results and avoid any potential side effects.

DERMAMELAN INTIMATE PEEL (brighten dark underarms, groin, perianal skin)

Dermamelan is a peel to treat hyperpigmentation of intimate areas - underarms, groin, perianal skin. It is a topical treatment that contains several active ingredients, including azelaic acid, kojic acid, arbutin, phytic acid, and ascorbic acid, which work together to inhibit the production of melanin, the pigment that gives color to the skin.

Dermamelan treatment involves two phases: an in-office treatment where the skin is prepped and the initial application of the mask is applied, and then the second phase of home treatment where the patient applies a maintenance cream for several months to achieve the desired results. The treatment is usually performed under the supervision of a dermatologist or other skincare professional, and can have significant results in reducing hyperpigmentation and improving overall skin tone and texture.

It's important to note that Dermamelan treatment is not suitable for everyone, and may not be effective in treating all forms of hyperpigmentation. It's also important to use sunscreen and avoid excessive sun exposure during and after treatment, as unprotected sun exposure can worsen hyperpigmentation.

Chemical peel price varies based on treatment area.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. Book your boutik brightening peel today.


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